Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh! The Controversy 

I have been debating on how to tackle this post. It's a controversial thought for many to think about ridding their home of bleach. I get strange looks from people, let's face it we all have grown up on the stuff. People just do not want to hear that what they have been doing is "wrong" or not good, but here it is.....NO MORE BLEACH!
There I said it, get rid of the bleach!


It's not just about saving Toxie “My Big French Boyfriend” (a.k.a. Melvin Ferd The Third from The Toxic Avenger......which, by the way, is a MUST SEE at the Aloha Theater (October 5 -20, 2012). It is a hilarious musical but does have a lot of “food for thought”......
Chlorine-based bleaches, like Clorox, are common in many households. Many people are not aware of the potential health risks of chlorine and the organic chlorine compounds that can form in some cases. Chlorine-based bleach, when combined with several other common household cleaning compounds, is very toxic and has resulted in a number of deaths.

Dangers from exposure to bleach

One by-product of chlorine and chlorine-based cleaning supplies can be dioxin. Dioxin is a far more potent carcinogen than the banned pesticide DDT. Dioxins can form as the chlorinated bleach combines with other materials. Dioxins do not break down and remain in the environment for many years.
Using chlorine-based bleach in the laundry can result in another carcinogen, chloroform. However, the levels of chloroform created through the use of chlorine bleach in the laundry are relatively small. It is unclear whether these chloroforms are sufficient to cause cancer.
Chlorine-based bleaches are corrosive and often labeled as such. Chlorine bleaches must be diluted or they can cause skin burns and irritation and damage other home surfaces.
*Chlorine, also known as "sodium hypochlorite" or "hypochlorite," is a toxic chemical that is the active ingredient in chlorine bleaches such as Clorox brand. This forms a gas that is extremely dangerous to both the environment and humans, causing multiple health problems from serious burns, cancers, birth defects, genetic alterations, to breathing problems and even death.

How dangerous can it really be?
Burns and Mucous Membranes
The active ingredient in bleach is a corrosive and works like an acid to clean by eating away organic material--mold, dirt, stains, etc--and it does the same to the human body. Wear gloves while using any bleach product because it can burn your skin. Mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, and esophagus are extremely susceptible because of the delicate nature of these membranes. The gas can literally burn away the layers of mucus protecting these areas in severe cases cause raw, open wounds.

Asthma and Chemical Pneumonia
Common household cleaners including bleach are known triggers for asthmatic attacks and some suggest that the 600 percent increase in Asthma cases since 1980 is a bi-product of cleansers and sprays with Chlorine.
Chemical Pneumonia is a non-contagious pneumonia--an irritation or swelling of the lungs--caused by breathing in fumes from chemicals. It is identifiable by a variety of symptoms including coughing, choking, gagging, troubled or rapid breathing, bluish fingernails, toenails, or skin; arrhythmia, headache, fever or upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions.

Shock, Low Blood Pressure and Altered Heartbeat
Chlorine can cause rapid and erratic heartbeats as well as slowed heartbeats. Low blood pressure is generally brought on by dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhea. Shock occurs when there is insufficient blood flow throughout the body.

Coma and Delirium
Delirium is rapid changes in brain functioning--alertness, feeling, consciousness, movement, and memory--which can be caused by chemical pneumonia or because of chemical poisoning. Toxic coma is decreased alertness and can vary from a few hours, to days. Persistent coma, which is what is commonly referred to by the term "coma" is known as a vegetative state and is usually caused by brain damage.

Inhaling Chlorine can be fatal, sometimes causing death, but usually proceeded by coma and/or chemical pneumonia if the victim is unable to regain a regular heartbeat or breathing. This is usually only a risk when using industrial strength bleach or when it has been mixed with acidic chemicals, which produces a toxic gas

Still a sceptic, watch this shocking video!

What’s the alternative?

*non-toxic once diluted (because it is super concentrated it must be diluted before considered non-toxic)
*kills 32 pathogens while bleach kills less than half that much non-flamable
*cost effective

3/8 tsp in 16 oz water or 1 tablespoon in 1 gallon of water!
 (1/2 tsp per 16oz for childcare centers/homes)
Because it is super concentrated a small amount goes a long way!

Comparison to Bleach
*Basic G shelf life is 3 years from the time it is opened where as bleach starts to loose the effectiveness as soon as it is opened making it less effective on germs.
* No harsh odors, that could burn the lining of your sinuses.
*Will not cause dangerous fumes if mixed with other cleaners.
*Basic G has a residual effect which last up to 3 days after application whereas bleach lasts for up to 1 hour.
Where to use it

sinks & faucets
showers & tubs
diaper pails
trash cans
walls (especially f you have boys!)
door knobs

counter tops
cutting boards (should be rinsed after cleaning)
sink & faucet
refrigerator handles 
trash cans (will kill pathogens and leave a fresh scent)
great on surfaces to kill bacteria such as salmonella (from eggs & poultry)
door knobs

Other Uses
pet areas
weed killer (I’ll post about this as I am attempting to kill my lawn the weeds!!)
weed killer solution:
1 gallon water
1 tablespoon of Shaklee Basic G
1/2 cup of white vinegar

add 1 teaspoon per load of laundry 

*safe to use as air freshener
*safe on stainless steel & aluminum
*safe on non-porous surfaces such as granite and marble
*EPA registered

Basic G (Germicide) kills the following pathogens 
Streptococcus pyogenes *Vaccinia
Salmonella choleraesuis *Rubella (German Measles)
Candida albicans *Adenovirus type 4
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus *Feline picornavirus
Bordetella bronchiseptica *Feline leukemia
Chlamydia psittaci *Canine distemper
Fusobacterium necrophorum * Rabies
Listeria monocytogenes * Pseudorabies
Pasteurella multocida *Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
Salmonella enteritidis *Infectious bronchitis (Avian IBV)
Enterobacter cloacae *Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Enterobacter aerogenes *Transmissible gastroenteritis virus
Proteus vulgaris (TGE)
Salmonella typhimurium Escherichia coli1
Shigella flexneri Proteus mirabilis
Salmonella typhi Streptococcus faecalis1
Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus1
(methicillen resistant) Klebsiella pneumoniae1 Shigella sonnei Pseudomonas aeruginosa1 Serratia marcescens Staphylococcus epidermidis2 Trichophyton mentagrophytes Aspergillus niger *HIV-l (AIDS Virus)
*Influenza A/Hong Kong 1 ATCC & antibiotic-resistant strain
*Herpes simplex type I 2 Antibiotic-resistant only
*Herpes simplex type II * Virucidal
Our intention when killing germs is to make our home or work place a safer place, not slowly kill ourselves in the process! I love knowing I am helping my family and my childcare by killing these germs while not harming others, myself or our planet in the process :)

Thank you for stopping by,
Marie-anne @ Unlimited Solutions, LLC

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