Sunday, November 11, 2012

The power of Alfalfa Complex

Research has shown the benefits of alfalfa are numerous. This is because of the many nutrients found in alfalfa. Just take a look at all the vitamins and minerals found in the alfalfa plant:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Niacin B3
Pantothenic Acid B5
Pyridoxine B6
Folic Acid B9
Cobalamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

Facts about alfalfa:
- Used by chinese medicine since the 6th century
- A perennial plant, often given to livestock and horses to make them stronger
- Made it's American appearance in 1736 and noted for use to ease digestion
- Native Americans used the seeds in their diets
- Paste made from the seeds is known to ease the pain of bites or stings or boils.
- Has been used by nursing mothers to stimulate the flow of milk

A 12 month study conducted by researchers from Osaka Kosei-Nenkin Hospital in Osaka, Japan proves that Alfalfa has improved liver & kidney function and also reduces: the bad cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.

Personally, Alfalfa has improved my allergies and I greatly enjoyed the benefits of this amazing plant during the last trimester of all my pregnancies & labor. 

There are many alfalfa supplements on the market, however I only trust Shaklee. The main reason is because of all the testing Shaklee performs on many stages of the processing of every single product. The test at the farm, at the factory and the finished product. Shaklee has been known to stop the processing and distribution of products due to quality control. Keep i mind that it is not the FDA/Government telling them to do so. In fact the FDA/Government has never had to demand that Shaklee stop processing or distribution on any product, ever!

Don't believe me? Call the company contact info on any of the bottles you find at your local stores and request proof that: 
1. the product is exactly what is on the label (many companies either add other stuff or omit what is stated on the bottle)
2. written proof of any research clinical or medical done on this very product contained in the bottle
3. written documentation stating the safety and liability of the product contained within the bottle.
4. And just for kicks, as just how many medical journals they have been published in? Then let them know Shaklee has been in about 100!!!

Honestly, I usually don't get very far with other companies as many of the ones I personally contacted haven't responded!

At about .50 cents per day, Shaklee's Alfalfa Complex packs a big bang for your (half) buck! 

Off to rehearsal with Sarah today.

Have a great day,


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