probably heard it. Network marketing......It's such a BIG Mistake!
Don't get involved in that kind of thing. It's a scam. You'll lose
your money. You can't make any money with it. Your family will disown
you. Your friends will avoid you. You'll spend all your money and
then what!
If, you don't have the right mindset. The people you heard that from
probably have an employee mindset. They are used to clocking in and
clocking out. They are told what to do. They only do what is being
required of them and they get a paycheck for it. They might even have
been told those things about network marketing by somebody else and
got scared. For people that have that type of mindset, network
marketing is a big mistake. They won't accept responsibility for
their own actions and won't focus on what it takes to actually move
their business forward and will lose their business.
someone with a business owner mindset can turn everything around.
Business owners have a different attitude. They will focus on what it
takes to move their business forward not just by taking care of
themselves but also others. Business owners accept accountability and
responsibility. They will work on getting things done. They will step
up and get the training they need. They will set up a plan of action.
They will set up their work pace. They will set up their routine.
They will set up and stick to their plan. They will work with
mentors. They will do what others are afraid to do. They are the ones
that are successful.
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