Sunday, October 21, 2012

Free Supplements?
Following up on Stacey's story that I shared with you last week....

She often get asked "what vitamins do you take?". Well, she's considered quite the unique situation indeed. Because she has malnutrition due to bariatric (weightloss) surgery, nutrient supplementation needs to be increased and always, as in forever must be consumed. The scenario goes like this, no matter how much of a "good" thing she eats or drinks, it will never all get absorbed because so much of her intestines has been bypassed. "Normal" folks do much absorption in the area of the intestines that for her is not being used.

Here were her problem areas

It was not too long ago that she was considered severely anemic (I mean severe, her average ferritin level was 2, a hematologist gets concerned when it drops to 12!).
Even weekly iron infusion (IV drip) did not help. 

She also was dealing with deficiencies in:
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Vitamin K

Before Shaklee came into her life, she tried every way to get these things back within normal range, nothing seemed to help.
B12 shots (her poor hubby was injecting stabbing her every week)
Her body proved that consuming synthetic forms of the vitamins she was deficient in did not help her, in fact it made her feel worse. Her levels were not budging and she felt crappy (no nice way to put it).

With any bariatric surgery folks are taught that ingesting high quality/low calorie protein is a main staple in their new diet for life. She had tried every thing on the market, even stuff from other countries. Most of it was unpalatable, like... down right nasty. The stuff she could tolerate seemed to either upset her stomach or leave her hungry for more, not to mention it was expensive. It wasn't until about a year ago that she learned most soy based protein is genetically modified (GMO). 
Then she began consuming the protein from Shaklee that is when she felt a difference and full. 
It was then she learned that nothing from Shaklee is GMO, never.

To top the issues she was dealing with listed above, she was also coming to grips with the fact that her thyroid glands were being attacked by her own immune system. She was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. Since our thyroid/endocrin system controls basically every function within our body, she was at battle with herself. Before Shaklee her body was winning (or should I say loosing?). Now that she has armed her self with what she need to fight off anything that comes her way, she is in a WAY better place with her health. 

All her levels are higher than ever and her iron for the 1st time in almost 10 years is high normal! Her thyroid will eventually die off which means she will need to take thyroid hormone for the rest of my life. Since she am taking the most natural form of the thyroid hormone, her body seems to be happy with it, so she is happy.

Here are her daily SHAKLEE supplements:

take quiz HERE

(great for allergies and digestion)
(naturally kills parasites/bugs, aides digestion)
(her newest addition to my armory, naturally raises serotonin levels, happy pills!!)

YES, to a "normal" person this may seem excessive, however how many prescription drugs to you see in her list? There is only one for her thyroid! 
Also, if you asked her how often she is sick, she would tell you it is rare. When she does get a cold, it only lasts for about 1-3 days. With working with children, she is very fortunate to not be sick more often.

The next question she gets asked is "Wow, that must be expensive?"
Not really. Keep in mind that because she had bariatric surgery, she knew going into it that she would be required to consume nutritional supplements no matter what. She listened to her surgeon and doctors and bought the expensive chewable brands designed specifically for bariatric patients (of course now she know those same doctors get a percentage of the sales!).
She was spending on average $190 per month on just the vitamins not including any protein she would try to eat as part of her diet.
Now her vitamins/supplements cost about $140.
So, $190 made her feel crappy OR $140 and feel better than she did 10 years ago? 
It's a NO brainer....GIVE HER SHAKLEE any day!

Now she feels that she has HEALTH insurance....because if you really think about it "health" insurance in our country is really not for healthy people. We should call it SICK insurance. We go to the doctors when we are sick not healthy. Stacey cannot even say that she was going to the doctors to get healthy either. Please do not misunderstand this, doctors serve a great purpose, but just like people all doctors do not think the same, nor do they have the same philosophy on nutrition and how it affects our overall health.

By now people are asking her "and how do you get them for free?"
After she realized SHE REQUIRED the SHAKLEE supplements (which did not take very long BTW), she became a distributor in an effort to help off set the cost of what she was consuming. That was her 1st and really only goal, breaking even. It would be many steps forward compared to what she was doing. She began sharing how this company was helping her. Actually folks starting approaching her and asking what I was doing, they could see the difference just like people are doing to me right now with my weight loss. She was feeling the difference, but was not paying attention to how she looked. True story: Strangers approach her and tell her how nice her skin is! She was totally creeped out by this at first, now she say thank you and had them a business card or ask if they would like more information. 

She never in a ga-zillion years would ever think she would be distributing anything, EVER! She is not a salesperson, but she likes to share and apparently she is getting better at it every day.
Her beliefs in the products and the company have over powered my pride & ego....WOW!
Do you take Supplements? What supplements do you take? 
Ever wonder what is truly in those pills, capsules or tablets? If you would like more information on how to get an answer from your vitamin company, contact me directly HERE

Have a great week!

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