What a great day for a drive to Hilo and checking out Akaka Falls & Kahuna Falls. Before going on the trail, we spoke for a bit with the parking lot attendant. After all, we are in no hurry and it's always fun to “talk story” with folks everywhere we go. Anyways, he didn't know much about the water falls but what he had been told is that Akaka Falls is the only water fall on the island that is fed by an artesian well which is why it never runs dry. But, living here, I know there is always a story to be told so I did a little digging and found a couple stories. So, without further a due, here they are:
“A long time ago a chief named 'Akaka lived there with his wife and dog. Chief 'Akaka had a lover and one day his wife caught him. The wife and dog chased Chief 'Akaka and his lover to the cliff, where the chief slipped and fell. His lover jumped after him right before the wife and dog caught up. They were so horrified Chief 'Akaka fell that they turned into two boulders at the top of the falls. At the bottom of the falls is a large, brownish stone they say is the chief and somewhere in Kahuna Falls is another stone that is the lover."
There there is a song from back in the 1930s by Helen Parker "'Akaka Fa
Another story tells that 'Akaka had earlier made a cousin who had offended him jump into the pool, and that man became the rock upon which 'Akaka later fell. It's said that if one strikes a stone here called PÅhaku-a-Pele (stone of Pele) with a lehua-'apane branch, "the sky darkens and rain falls,"
But, no matter which story you read, it doesn't change just how majestic and magical that area feels. As you walk around on the path, with the birds singing while flying though the bamboo, you can also hear the babbling of the brooks and the roar of the falls simultaneously. Being a warm afternoon, we could feel the refreshing coolness of the water simply by being nearby. As we walked around on the trail, I watched as a leaf detached from a branch and slowly danced to reach the forest floor. It surprised me to see that it made a trail of dust creating a sparkling effect in the air......just like we see in fairy tales. That was just one of the many spectacular sights we got to witness. Whether you live here, or come for a visit, this is one of the many sights you will wants to be mesmerized by.
I am blessed to have my own business which allows me the time to enjoy such beauty and blessed to be able to help others enjoy such freedom and relaxation too. I get to live where I've always dreamed about and I have more adventures to share with you....... so stay tuned!
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