When asked, what plan do you follow to supply your body with complete nutrition?
A great man once said......
That question has been asked me of hundred upon hundreds of times. My answer has always been the same, for I have been following the Nutrition Way to Health for over 60 years. It is not a difficult plan to follow. In fact, very simple.
I eat simple foods. I eat much less than the average person, yet my weight is normal. I stand 5 feet 9 inches and weigh 164 pounds. That weight hasn't changed for at least 50 years.
I am not bound to the habit of three-meals- a-day, for I eat only when I'm hungry. And, I leave the table with plenty of room in my stomach for more food - if I wanted to stuff it down.
Never have I allowed my appetite to dictate the type of food I eat, for I eat to live, not live to eat. I know that the food which I eat may not always contain all of the nutritional elements necessary for the welfare of my tissue cells, so I supplement my diet with natural and organic protein, vitamins and mineral tablets. I travel a great deal, so it is not always possible to obtain the proper foods, but whenever possible I demand that my food be in its natural state.
This plan of mine for supplying complete nutrition has worked so well for me that I have been free of all aches and pains for half a century. My hours of work each day are about twice that of the average person, yet I find time for exercise and recreation. It is my belief that the average person fails to exercise enough to keep his body free of stagnating waste. And when I say "his" I mean "hers", too.
If you want to get well and stay well, you MUST free your body of accumulated waste and provide the nutritional elements so necessary to strengthen your resistance against disease and to build vital, vigorous tissue cells. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
I practice what I preach. I avoid waste-producing foods as I would a plague. I set aside a regular time for tissue cleansing.one day each week, every week. During this day I eat no solid foods, but drink plenty of water, fruit juices and raw vegetable juices. Even on the other days of the week, I see to it that I get plenty of these.
And if I were suffering from any type of disease, I would STAY on a raw vegetable and fruit juice diet until I was sure that all disease-breeding waste was cleared from my body.
I can't remember the day when I suffered from a headache. No, friend, you do not have to suffer the distress caused by accumulated waste in the body. You can live.you should live.in a "house"that is clean. All foods may have some value, but that priceless body of yours demands the best.
Choose your foods carefully, as though your life depended on them.for it does! Cleanse your body regularly and thoroughly.eat only when hunger demands it. Never over-eat. Avoid the saturated fats and all greasy foods. Eat very little starchy foods, such as breads, pies, cakes, candies, ice cream, cookies, soft drinks, etc.in fact, it is better to eliminate all refined sugar products. If you must eat some sweets, enjoy the fine, natural sweet of fruit. Do this and you will live longer. I know! I am thoroughly enjoying the GOLDEN TWILIGHT YEARS OF LIFE.
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