Fears have been quite a bit of discussion this week.
We all have fears. You know, the things you fear so much that they make your stomach so tight you can't eat! The things that you fear so much that you feel like passing out! Or sometimes they make you toss and turn and you can't sleep no matter how tired you are!
Why do we have fears? Is it because we don't know the outcome of something? Is it that we had a bad experience? There are many speculations. But one thing for certain is the how to of overcoming those fears. I know it may sound clichee but the best way to overcome a fear is to dive right into it. And, you don't want to be timid about it.....don't dip your big toe in the water to feel the temperature. Climb up the ladder of the high dive and do your best swan dive!
I recently decided to just jump right in and do things that I feared so much that I would do anything else simply to avoid them. I kept on adding things on my daily to do list.....and make it grow and grow......just to avoid doing those things!
How did I go about this? I basically made of list. And tackled them one by one. I decided to make it like a "H - E - double Hockey Stick" week. I did them all! It doesn't mean that I don't get nervous and such knowing that I'll be doing them again, but I've gone over the fear factor that was actually holding me back from doing them in the first place.
So, my challenge for you this week is to create your own "H - E - double hockey stick" week and do your swan dive right into your fears!
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