Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Juice or Junk?
I found a couple of interesting articles on the acai berry and the mangosteen fruit in the October and December 2009 issues of Environmental Nutrition.
Environmental Nutrition is not a peer reviewed scientific journal, but they do a good job of researching peer reviewed scientific journals to find out whether there is any sound research behind many of the nutritional products that you find in the
I thought that you might be interested in what they found out about the scientific backing for all of those claims that you have been hearing about for acai berries and mangosteen fruit.
In both cases they found very little scientific backing for the claims made for those products.
In the case of the acai berry they found one clinical study that showed that when people consumed a single serving of acai juice or acai pulp the antioxidant
capacity in their blood was increased over the next 12 hours.
While that sounds impressive, you need to realize that the same is true when people consume a serving of blueberries, raspberries or blackberries.
They also found a study showing that acai extracts destroyed cancer cells in a tissue culture dish.
Again, that's not as impressive as it sounds because other fruits, such as grapes, mangos and guavas, have been shown to do the same thing in cell culture studies, and there is no evidence that any of those fruits have the same effect in the human body.
The science behind mangosteen is only slightly better.
Cell culture studies show that mangosteen extracts can stop certain bacteria from growing and can attenuate inflammation and insulin resistance in cultured human
fat cells.
Again, this is true of almost any food extract with high antioxidant potential, but that alone does not mean that it will have the same effect in the human body.
In animal studies mangosteen extracts suppressed tumor growth in mice and reduced oxidative damage in the brains of rats.
While animal studies are a bit more definitive than cell culture studies, we need to remember that rats and mice are not just little humans.
I have been actively engaged in cancer research - anticancer drug development specifically - for 37 years. Based on my years of experience I can tell you that only about 10% of the effects that we see in animals also show up in humans.
As with the acai berry, there appears to be only a single clinical study with mangosteen fruit. In that study a mangosteen supplement with vitamins and minerals enhanced immune responsiveness.
Again, that sounds impressive. But you need to know that numerous studies have shown that supplementation with vitamins and minerals alone increases immune responsiveness. There is no evidence that the mangosteen had anything to do with the results.
You might be asking "What about all of the fantastic testimonials that the proponents of these products offer?"
You should know that the placebo effect approaches 50% when it comes to things like pain relief, energy levels and feelings of well being. Unless there is strong
scientific evidence, I always discount testimonials.
Environmental Nutrition concluded that there was probably no risk of consuming moderate amounts of acai berry or mangosteen.
However, they cautioned that there was little or no evidence to support the many claims made for those products.
Finally, they stated that you can probably get exactly the same antioxidant and health benefits - at a fraction of the cost - by consuming many of the fruits
and vegetables that you can find at your local grocery store.
I concur!
To Your Health!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Twas The Night Before Shaklee....
Twas the night before Shaklee, when all through the place,
Not a corner was gleaming, there was no Basic-H.
Our food was all packed in the closet with care,
In hopes when we ate them some nutrition would be there.
The children all wrestled and tossed in their beds,
Because they lacked Calcium from their toes to their heads.
And Mamma without Protein and me without Herb-Lax
Were both quite a wreck and about to collapse.
When from out of nowhere there came such a clatter,
I feebly got up to see what was the matter.
Over to the window I moved like a snail,
My struggle with the shutters all left me quite pale.
The soot and pollution on the new fallen snow,
All made me quite nauseous to see it below.
When what through my bloodshot old eyes did I see,
But a shiny new car, and a license plate that read "Shaklee".
With Aunt Mildred driving and moving so quick,
I thought, she must be on drugs, or some brand new health kick!
With boxes and bottles and bundles she came.
She jumped up and kicked her heels calling them by name.
"I've got Protein & Vita Lea, Herb Lax & Lecithin,
Basic H & G and some bottles to mix them in."
She leaped to the porch, almost kicked down the door.
We were all quite amazed cause her health used to be poor.
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
She had flown in the kitchen in one single bound.
She was dressed in a cloth coat and a cute little hat,
But they were both sparkling clean, and you couldn't miss that.
A bundle of bottles she dropped on the table,
And said soon I'll tell you the Basic H Fable!
Her eyes how they twinkled. She said, "I've a mission!"
Then she sat us all down and began with nutrition.
She was sharp as a whip and her memory quite keen,
As she told us of Herb-lax, Vita Lea and Protein.
She told us that Calcium was good for our teeth,
And that smoking would make them turn green as a wreath.
Then she took off her coat and said "Look at this belly,
Before Shaklee's Cinch, it looked all full of Jelly."
She used to be plump and a crabby old elf,
And she laughed as she said, "I've gotten hold of myself!"
Then I pinched myself hard and I rattle my head,
Perhaps I am dreaming, I must be in bed.
She spoke lots of words about cleaning and work,
And filled all those bottles and turned with a jerk.
Picking up a sponge and the sinks sprayer hose,
She cleaned off the sink, now the porcelain shows.
Then she whipped on her coat as she sprang to the door,
"I've got Shaklee Members to sponsor, haven't time to do more!"
But I heard her exclaim as she drove down the street.
"If you're not into Shaklee, your life's not complete!!!"
Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Aloha Folks,
You know how when you find something awesome you just want to share! Well, I came across someone's blog that I thought you might like to read too. It's a blog on the topic of "closing the sale."
Read it. Share it. Apply it.
Have a fantastic day!
To your Health, Success and Happiness,
Marie-anne @
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Overcoming Fears

Fears have been quite a bit of discussion this week.
We all have fears. You know, the things you fear so much that they make your stomach so tight you can't eat! The things that you fear so much that you feel like passing out! Or sometimes they make you toss and turn and you can't sleep no matter how tired you are!
Why do we have fears? Is it because we don't know the outcome of something? Is it that we had a bad experience? There are many speculations. But one thing for certain is the how to of overcoming those fears. I know it may sound clichee but the best way to overcome a fear is to dive right into it. And, you don't want to be timid about it.....don't dip your big toe in the water to feel the temperature. Climb up the ladder of the high dive and do your best swan dive!
I recently decided to just jump right in and do things that I feared so much that I would do anything else simply to avoid them. I kept on adding things on my daily to do list.....and make it grow and grow......just to avoid doing those things!
How did I go about this? I basically made of list. And tackled them one by one. I decided to make it like a "H - E - double Hockey Stick" week. I did them all! It doesn't mean that I don't get nervous and such knowing that I'll be doing them again, but I've gone over the fear factor that was actually holding me back from doing them in the first place.
So, my challenge for you this week is to create your own "H - E - double hockey stick" week and do your swan dive right into your fears!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Networking is "Net-growing"
We all know that networking plays a major role in the fruitful growth and development of any business. But knowing and doing are two different things. Networking is an art and a mindset. It's like the art of fishing with a net instead of a single pole. Believe me, if you don't know how to throw a net, you just won't catch much of anything. Networking is a lot like farming too. The farmer doesn't plant just one seed and than hope that it grows. Instead he plants many seeds and then keeps on caring for them to encourage growth. Not everything will sprout and grow, just like the fisherman isn't going to catch all the fishes. But by knowing and applying the steps to the art of networking, we can be like farmers and fishermen. Networking can take place in structured professional groups, such as Business Network International – BNI, or less structured settings like after-hour socials or get-togethers with other business professionals. It can even take place in unexpected situations, like while volunteering for your local theater! In today's state of economy, it is imperative that business owners practice the art of networking and teach their employees how to be successful networkers as well. After all, the farmers and the fishermen teach their sons their art so that they can keep on feeding many families for generations to come so why not teach those that work with you.
There are many facets to the art of networking and the most effective, in my opinion, is to follow Ivan Misner's motto of “Givers Gain.” What is the meaning of this motto to successful professionals? It means that they have made themselves powerful contributors and an asset to others. It is their mindset to be an asset to others instead of focusing just on what their own needs are. Look at it this way. Let's say you have two potato farmers. Farmer #1, Jack, is busy working in the field and tending to his crops. On the other side of the dirt road, you have farmer #2, Josh, also tending to his crops. As they are both working hard in the hot afternoon sun, one of their neighbors (from a couple miles away.....I'm visualizing that we have stepped into the past) is riding by in his horse drawn wagon when one of the wheels fall off and all the wagon's contents roll off onto the dirt road. Both farmers notice this is happening, but only Josh actually does something about it. He stops what he is doing and goes to the aid of his neighbor to put the wheel back on the wagon and help reloading. Now, think about this for a moment. Let's say that Jack, farmer #1, never helps anyone because he is always too busy tending to his crops while Josh, farmer #2, makes time to help his neighbors. What do you think would happen if either one of the farmers needed help. Who do you think is more likely to get help in return?
The same principle seems to be true in today's world of business. It's not on purpose, simply human nature. When looking at it from a business standpoint, if you give business to others, they will in turn want to give business to you.
Successful Networking Tips:
1.Genuinely care about others
2.Learn about other people's businesses
a. What do they do?
b. How long have they been doing it?
c. What makes them different from others in the same field?
d. What makes them passionate about what they do?
3.Find out how you can help that person
a. What kind of referrals would they like to receive?
b. What indicates that someone could be a good customer for them?
4.Ask them for their business card
a. Keep one in your wallet
b. Ask for a couple extras......maybe you already know someone who can
benefit from their products/services
[Reproduction of this article is permitted with complete author's bio.]
About the author: Marie-anne Rouse is a Big Island MomPreneur, APAC volunteer and notable networker, as well as on the leadership team of BNI's Kona Krew. For information on networking or to sign up for her complimentary newsletter go to
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Do & Don't tips for car magnets
This week's info is short, but important. It's about car magnets. They can be very cost effective advertising when done right.
Here are things I've noticed that we should all remember NOT TO DO:
- too much information
- wrong size magnet
- small print
- distracting graphics
- no contact information!!!
DO TO increase the effectiveness of car magnets:
- have one on the backside of the vehicle
Think about it. Where are most people when they can actually read what's on your vehicle? Stuck in traffic? Behind you? Have you "caught" yourself reading bumper stickers while you wait for the light to turn green? That's a captive audience......make use of that time!!!
Video quote of the week:
Have a prosperous week.
To your Health, Success and Happiness,
Marie-anne @ MomIsTheBest
P.S. Want to join us in Anaheim (4 free nights)?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
4 Keys To Running Successful Promotions
Aloha Folks,
Hope your having a great week. Today, I want to share with you some keys to running successful promotions in your MLM business.
You know not many people use promotions or effectively leverage the specials and bonuses that their company offers from time to time. WHATEVER promotion your company is offering (free product, auto-ship discount, free shipping, etc.) you should start by brainstorming how you can leverage the offer into your marketing. Your company goes to a lot of work to put these offers together for your benefit!
If you don't take advantage of what is being offered, you are literally saying 'no thanks' to growing your business. But if you're struggling with ideas, or just want to learn how to make each of your promotions more effective, then let's talk....
1. Choose a Theme
One of the most important things you must do in running a promotion is give your prospects a good
'reason why' you are running the promotion in the first place! And you can ALWAYS find a good 'reason why' to run a promotion.
A great way to do this is to connect it to special holidays and events, even personal events. Maybe you're having a special 'birthday sale'. Or maybe your daughter is having a birthday, so you are running a special promotion to increase awareness of kid's nutrition. Here's an example of a event promotion that is going on right now. Saturday August 8th is the 1 year anniversary of the introduction of Vivix. And, I'm celebrating 2 in 1 as that is my birthday also! The special offered is new vivix customer orders thru August 8th will receive a complimentary basic membership + 15% discount (discount can be applied to any other product you want to get for 1 whole year!!!). Order your Cellular Anti-Aging supplement now at before the special expires!
2. Offer Bonuses and/or Incentives
Right after choosing a good theme for your promotion, the next most important component is
determining good bonuses and incentives to use. Sometimes, your company does this for you and all you have to do is leverage it. But you can also 'plus' the promotion in little, easy ways is by offering additional incentives to your customers such as a free item or a complimentary educational piece. The point is choose something. It will give your prospects and customers another good reason to respond.
3. Use a Deadline
Deadlines are very, very important in all your marketing as they provide urgency in taking advantage of the promotion. Who wants to 'lose the opportunity' being offered in the promotion? Many times the fear of losing the opportunity after the deadline runs out is enough to get people taking action and
responding. It's just human psychology. More people will take action out of fear of loss, than they do out of desire for gain. And, if there was no deadline, it wouldn't make the promotion special.
4. Use Personality in Your Marketing
You've heard the saying before "People buy from people they like and trust". Haven't you noticed how true that is! They don't want to buy from big, impersonal, corporations. They want to buy from people they know, like, and trust. They want a RELATIONSHIP with the person they are buying from. Think about it. Would you get your hair cut, nails done, etc. from a stranger or from someone you know.
One of the best ways to build relationships in your marketing is to integrate more of what is called "Personality Driven Marketing" into your communication. It's quite simple to do actually. Share fun pictures of you, your family vacations, your kids, and more with your customers. Share personal stories about your life and the things you are passionate about. Don't be afraid to be yourself and share YOU with your customers! Did you know that my kids come to many of my meetings!
Have a prosperous week!
To your Health, Success and Happiness,
Marie-anne, Your ShakleeLady
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Are we ducks or Eagles...
That's because great service is a choice.
Harvey Mackay, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point.
He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey .
He handed my friend a laminated card and said: 'I'm Wally, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement.'
Taken aback, Harvey read the card. It said: Wally's Mission Statement:
To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment.
This blew Harvey away. Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!
As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said, 'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.'
My friend said jokingly, 'No, I'd prefer a soft drink.'
Wally smiled and said, 'No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, water and orange juice.'
Almost stuttering, Harvey said, 'I'll take a Diet Coke.'
Handing him his drink, Wally said, 'If you'd like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Time, Sports Illustrated and USA Today.'
As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card, 'These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd
like to listen to the radio.'
And as if that weren't enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him.
Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day. He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts.
'Tell me, Wally,' my amazed friend asked the driver, 'have you always served customers like this?'
Wally smiled into the rear view mirror. 'No, not always. In fact, it's only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard the personal growth guru, Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day.
He had just written a book called You'll See It When You Believe It . Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself. He said, 'Stop complaining!
Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.''
'That hit me right between the eyes,' said Wally. 'Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.'
'I take it that has paid off for you,' Harvey said.
'It sure has,' Wally replied. 'My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I'll probably quadruple it. You were lucky to get me today. I don't sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can't pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.'
Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab. I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting.
Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles.
How about us? Smile, and the whole world smiles with you... The ball is in our hands!
A man reaps what he sows. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up... let
us do good to all people.
Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Resveratrol Research....Mission....Imagine
1) Resveratrol research
2) We are on a Mission – check out the cool incentives
3) Imagine Yourself on a Trip
1) Resveratrol Research
More and more information is coming out on the research that has been going on for over 10 years about resveratrol. Resveratrol has demonstrated anti-tumor activity (shown to arrest unregulated cell growth and induce apoptosis -- cell death of unhealthy cells).There are literally thousands of references on resveratrol, research papers on anti-heart disease, anti-cancer, radiation protection, anti-diabetic and more.
As you know, I am an independent Shaklee distributor so where does that fit into all this. Well, Shaklee has a patentented resveratrol supplement. What makes it so special? Let me give you some juicy details. The main ingredient is muscadine grape. Doesn't sound that special, now does it! Well, actually, it is very special. Besides our CEO purchasing the rights to all the crops of organic muscadine grapes, it also has very special chemical components that are unique to the muscadine.
It is the only grape that contains anthocyanins, antioxidants that shows the most ability to penetrate cell membranes and provide protection. They increase peripheral circulation, improve vision, enhance immunity and wound healing.
Something else that is unique to the muscadine grape is ellagic acid, shown to inactivate cancer-causing chemicals, block carcinogens from attacking DNA, reducing side effects of chemotherapy, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, and so much more.
This is just the tip of the iceberg on all the research results and I could fill up another page even with just the anti-cancer evidences. And, it provides protection against environmental toxins too.
Did you know that 1 tsp of this resveratrol gives you 100 mg of trans-resveratrol, the more bio-available form of resveratrol? Now, I know there has also been a lot of news about resveratrol being like the fountain of youth. I don't know about you, but having a “fountain of youth” isn't a focus for me.....but a cool perk! I am interested in prevention and staying healthy so that I can enjoy each and every day with my family.
So what I say to that is......just a teaspoon a day can make such a difference!
Get yours now at:
And, did you know that autoship orders save an additional 10% off!
2)We're on a Mission!
You can help us change 1 million lives this year just by sharing what we have to offer. As a nation, we are experiencing very difficult economic times. But there is still an opportunity for people to thrive through dreams, concrete goals and hard work. Thanks to our business model and the wonderful members of our Shaklee Family, Shaklee has been able to grow in each and every recession since 1956. And our continued goal in 2009 is to work with you to provide a financial opportunity for one million people!
We have the Join Free with 50 PV incentive, and the Power of 10 for new people, as well as other great promotions to help you achieve your goals. However you decide to participate, your actions today will help you and so many others who are seeking an opportunity to provide for their families.
Amid worries about potential job loss and significant financial troubles, you can help others have a very different experience during the current economic climate. A home business can help alleviate much of a family’s stress and ease financial concerns while providing the flexibility a family needs.
Here are just some of the ways you can join our mission of helping families to live healthier, happier lives:
Join Free with 50 PV - From now to August 8th we’re waiving the $19.95 membership fee for new people joining with a 50 PV order.
Or another win-win. Be a New GOLD Ambassadors now thru August 8th and you receive 6 months free access to their own Personal Web Site.
Connect with people by introducing the new Shakleebaby™ and Shakleekids™ product lines and tell them about the great promotions available with those products. (promotion ends august 8th)
Save even more and qualify for additional discounts with the autoship program....did you know that some order combinations qualify you for certain products at extra bIG discounts!
According to the recent Multi-Sponsor Surveys’ 2009 Economic Impact Market Segmentation Study, 49% of employed adults expressed worry about potential job loss, while 32% admitted to “significant” financial troubles. 60% of adults are now interested in operating a home business in response to the economic downturn. We have what people are looking for. Please join us in making an impact for one million families this year.
3)Imagine Yourself on a Trip!
By growing and building your Shaklee business, as an authorized distributor, you can earn points that will allow you to achieve the incentive trip of your dreams. Can you imagine total relaxation, being waited on hand and foot, fun people, amazing scenery, incredible food - and nothing to do but sit back and enjoy? All of this can be yours if you achieve the Imagine 2010 Incentive Trip.
Imagine 2010 Incentive Trip
Date: November 2010
Location: To be announced August 8th
Qualification Period: July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Early Bird Deadline: January 31, 2010
Ask me and learn how you can earn points and qualify for this once in a lifetime experience
To your Health, Success and Happiness,
Since this blog contains testimonials and other information as opposed to material directly from the manufacturer it is important for you to note that the information shared have not been recommended or approved by the manufacturer, and it is not intended to be used or promoted as such. No claims, guarantees, warranties or assurances are implied or promised. The health statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The stories contained herein are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness or injury, or in any way substitute for medical advice. The only legally recognized use of vitamin/mineral supplements is to prevent or treat specific vitamin/mineral deficiencies. The authors and distributors of the enclosed information will not be held responsible for any misconceptions or misuse of the information presented herein. If you have a health problem, see your physician.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tips & Recipes for a Great Summer
Summer is finally here and in this issue we focus on helping you make the most of it. We’ve got Green “recipes” for cleaning up outdoors. Plus great Summer Smoothie Shake recipes to keep you refreshed and rejuvenated and finally five indispensable products to have on hand when traveling about this summer.
But before we get into our special summer issue, we’ve got our very first testimonial on the new products that were introduced last month. It’s a heartwarming and exciting glimpse of what good nutrition can have on a child’s learning development.
In this Issue:
1) Testimonial
2) Make it a Green Clean Summer
3) Great Summer Shakes
4) Five Indispensable Products for Summer
1) Testimonial
On May 1, 2009 Shaklee introduced Shakleekids Incredivites™ and Mighty Smart™ designed to help children optimally develop their minds and bodies.
This is the story of Jessie, the first testimonial we’ve received on the results of using these two breakthrough children’s nutritional products in just a couple of weeks.
“Jessie is a 9 year old with a learning disability. She has trouble focusing and reading. Many tests have proven she is not Autistic, Mentally Retarded and does not have Aspersers Syndrome. She is just a little slow. When she draws a stick person she may have the arms coming out of the head or legs from the torso in the wrong place. That is just the way she sees it in her little mind.
Then came Shaklee’s Mighty Smart and Incredivites. Her mom ordered them on the first day it was available. Jessie excited about her shipment of special vitamins just for her. Her package arrived on May 13th. She loved the way they tasted. She started on them that day.
On May 25th she was watching a cartoon educational show on the platypus. They demonstrated how to draw the animal. After the show she told her mom she was going to draw a platypus. She drew it perfectly! Her mom was so happy and she said this one was for the refrigerator. She never had been able to draw like this before.
On May 26th Jessie was doing her reading. This is difficult for her. She was sounding out her words for her mom. Her focus seemed much better than usual. Then she came to the word "look" which she did not sound out. Mom noticed she had not and asked her why she had not sounded it out. She replied, "that was one of my spelling words from yesterday".
Jessie has not been capable of having this memory before. Mom said she got tears in her eyes at this point. She states that Jessie is just a different child since the vitamins and Mom anticipates Jessie will have a very improved reading capability by the beginning school year in August.”
This is just the beginning of the life for Jessie and all the other children in the world who desperately need Mighty Smarts and Incredivites! Help us spread the word! For more information on new Shakleekids and Shakleebaby products or to order online go to:
2) Make it a Get Clean Summer.
Shaklee Get Clean products are great for the earth, concentrated so they’re good for the pocketbook and proven to clean better than most national brands. As green, concentrated cleaners they’re also perfect for outdoor use. Here are just a few of the many ways you can use Get Clean Products outside this summer.
Camping: Basic-H2 is all you need for dishwashing, laundry and other cleaning jobs while camping. It works in cold stream water because it’s organic and biodegradable. Won’t hurt fish, vegetation or wildlife!
Washing Your Car, R.V. Boat, or Camper: Just ½ Tbsp. per gallon water of Basic-H2 is all you need to clean just about any vehicle. It will even clean off boat algae! Great for awnings too.
Fish Odors: Got some messy fish odors to clean up? Then use ½ Tbsp. of Basic-H2 per quart of water to clean up after filleting your fish or around boats, docks or other fishy places.
Swimming Pool Tiles: 2 tsp. Basic-H2 in a gallon of water, and apply with a sponge to clean those discolored swimming pool times.
Swimming Pool Deck: 1 Tbsp. of Basic-G in one gallon of water, apply twice weekly to kill bacteria and help prevent infections.
Greener Lawns: 1 Tbsp. in “Ortho-type” sprayer application full of water. Makes 2 gallons of Basic-H2 solution. Irrigate immediately for a healthier, greener lawn.
BBQ Grills & Ovens: Mix 2 oz. of H2 per gal of water for a super degreaser. Wash and then scour with Get Clean Scour-Off Heavy Duty Paste for a super easy cleaning of the dirtiest BBQ grill.
Greasy Tools: Just 2 oz Basic-H2, per 1 cup of hot water. Soak tools then just rinse and wipe dry. Yes it’s that easy!
To order Shaklee’s Get Clean products online go to:
3) Great Shaklee Summer Smoothie Shakes
What’s better on a hot summer day then a delicious, smooth creamy shake? And what’s healthier then Shaklee Energizing Protein or Cinch Shake Mix?
Put them together and you’ve got the best of both worlds, a delicious, refreshing shake that’s super healthy and super nutritious for kids and adults of all ages. Here are just a few of our favorite Shaklee Summer Smoothie Shake recipes.
1-cup pineapple juice
1 frozen banana
4-6 frozen strawberries
3 Tbsp Vanilla Protein or Cinch Vanilla or Strawberry Shake Mix
Blend until smooth and frothy
1-cup apple cider or apple juice
1pear cut up in chunks (you can leave skin on)
1frozen banana
3 Tbsp Vanilla Energizing Protein or Cinch Vanilla Shake
Blend until smooth and frothy
1-cup skim milk
1 frozen banana
3 Tbsp Cocoa Energizing Protein or Cinch Cocoa Shake
Blend until smooth and frothy
1 cup pineapple juice
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
3 Tbsp Vanilla Energizing Protein or Cinch Vanilla Shake
Blend until smooth
For more ideas on how to jazz up your Shaklee shakes this summer go to:
To order Shaklee’s biologically complete Energizing Protein made from Non-GMO Soy sources go to:
To order Cinch Shake Mixes in your choice of Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry or Café Latte flavors go to:
4) Five Indispensable Shaklee Products for Summer Traveling
Okay you’re about to head out on the road for that long-planned summer vacation or you’re just going to keep it close to home this year with a trip to the nearby lake. Here are our recommendations for the five most indispensable Shaklee products to have on hand.
1) Shaklee Performance Maximum Endurance Sports Drink:
Don’t let the name fool you; it’s not just for sports. If you’re doing any kind of outdoor activity this summer you’ll want to have Shaklee Performance on hand.
It rehydrates you faster than water and provides essential fluid and electrolytes to prevent dehydration. It also provides more energy then Gatorade and is clinically proven to both maintain glucose levels for muscle energy and fluid levels for proper hydration.
And if that’s not enough, it’s the perfect for antidote for diarrhea, which is always a concern when traveling about.
Available in Orange or Lemon Lime flavors, we recommend the new Team Pack size, which makes 5 gallons of Shaklee Performance and gives you a significantly lower cost per serving than the smaller size.
2) Enfuselle SPF 30 for Body: Nothing is more important to the quality and health of your skin than a good sunscreen. Shaklee’s SPF 30 for the Body isn’t just a good sunscreen; it’s a patented one. Designed for all skin types, including the most sensitive skin, this waterproof, oil-free, non-irritating sunscreen soothes, moisturizes and protects your skin like no other. Offers both UVA and UVB protection. Natural protection for a sunny day and paraben free. To order this world-class sunscreen go to:
3) Vitalizer Daily Strips: They easily fit anywhere without taking hardly any space and provides a powerhouse of 80 bio-optimized nutrients for the day. So whether you’re whitewater rafting or visiting Grandma, you’ve got the nutrition you need when you’re on the go. Check out this super short online Vitalizer video for more information on this breakthrough nutrition program.
You can order Vitalizer online and if you place it on AutoShip you can save an additional 10% off the member price!
4) Cinch Meal or Snack Bars: Let’s face it, outdoor activities work up an appetite and long trips often involve bad food choices found at the highway gas station. Cinch Meal Bars provides a solid 20 grams of protein and it will satisfy any hunger craving. Available in Berry Almond Crunch or Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. For more information or to order Cinch Meal-In-A-Bars online go to:
Just want a little boost, you could split a Cinch Meal-In-A-Bar in half or pack a bunch of Cinch snack bars. They provide 10 grams of Protein and are a delicious, indulgent treat with no artificial colors, sweeteners or flavors. Available in Chocolate Decadence, Lemon Cranberry or Peanut Butter Crunch. For more information or to order Cinch Snack Bars online go to:
5) Basic-H2 Wipes: we’ve said it earlier, but it bears worth repeating, a pint of Basic-H2 is all you need to take for dishwashing, laundry and cleaning everything else when travelling.
What we didn’t mention earlier were Basic-H2 Organic Super Cleaning Wipes, a must have for any car spill, quick wipe or a million and one other quick clean up jobs that can come up while traveling. And right now when you stock up by getting two Basic-H2 Wipes you get a FREE canister of Get Clean Germ Off Wipes! It’s a terrific deal at a terrific time, but only for members and while supplies last. To take advantage of this special offer go to:
Yours in Health,
Marie-anne Rouse
Independent Shaklee Distributor
Since this blog contains testimonials and other information as opposed to material directly from the manufacturer it is important for you to note that the information shared have not been recommended or approved by the manufacturer, and it is not intended to be used or promoted as such. No claims, guarantees, warranties or assurances are implied or promised. The health statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
The stories contained herein are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness or injury, or in any way substitute for medical advice. The only legally recognized use of vitamin/mineral supplements is to prevent or treat specific vitamin/mineral deficiencies. The authors and distributors of the enclosed information will not be held responsible for any misconceptions or misuse of the information presented herein. If you have a health problem, see your physician.
If you would like to receive our blog updates as a monthly e-newsletter, go to and sign up for our newsletter. Our policy is not to share or sell your e-mail address with any other company or organization.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This month we’re excited to announce TWO new Shaklee product lines Shakleebaby and Shakleekids to help little ones get the tender loving care they need and to help growing children develop strong bones, minds and bodies!
In response to the Swine Flu outbreak our product highlight this month is Nutriferon, Shaklee’s breakthrough immune building and protecting supplement. Plus, we share seven important ways you can build your immune system to protect yourself from germs, pathogens and other unwanted microbes.
Finally in celebration of Mother’s Day we highlight Project MAHMA an opportunity for any Mom who is interested in staying home with their kids and earning income by helping others live healthier, better and more independent lives.
In this Issue:
1) New Shakleebaby Products
2) New Shakleekids. Supersmart. Supersafe. Supernutritious.
3) Swine Flu and Nutriferon
4) Building and Supporting Your Immune System
5) Project MAHMA: Moms At Home Making A Difference.
1) New Shakleebaby Products.
Shaklee took sound science and the finest natural and organic ingredients to create a new line of Baby products that raises the bar for safety, gentleness and healthy ingredients.
The new Shakleebaby line features four new personal baby care products including:
These new baby care products are Pediatrician tested, sensitivity tested, pH balanced, hypoallergenic and made without parabens, artificial colors or fragrances.
Shaklee also introduces Shakleebaby Multivitamin & Multimineral Powder, the best and most comprehensive infant multi on the market with 23 essential vitamins, plus prebiotics, to support a strong immune system and 400 IU of Vitamin D, the amount recommended by the American Academy of Pediatricians for strong, healthy bones.
It’s so nutritious that it can be used as an added source of nutrients during the transition phase from breast milk or formula to solid foods to ensure that your little ones get the nutrients they need.
And it’s simple to use, just mix the powder with water, food or formula for all the added nutrition all growing babies need.
Learn more about the new Shakleebaby products by watching this short two-minute online video at:
You can order Shakleebaby products online at:
2) New Shakleekids. Supersmart. Supersafe. Supernutritious
Shaklee’s two new Shakleekids products are breakthrough nutritional products in the field of children’s health. They’re supersmart, supersafe and supernutritious!
Incredivites is the first kids’ chewable multivitamin with Lactoferrin, a unique, biologically active milk protein found naturally in breast milk and believed to provide one of the immuno-protective effects associated with breast-feeding. It also fuels the growth of beneficial microflora, which in turn supports digestive health.
Incredivites also contain 23 essential nutrients; including 600 IU of Vitamin D for strong bones and teeth, 100% of the Daily Value for all 8 essential B-Vitamins and Vitamin C. Comes in all-natural Tropical Punch, Grape and Berry flavors and it’s so tooth friendly – it can actually help REDUCE the risk of tooth decay! You won’t find a better children’s multivitamin than Incredivites out there.
For more information on Incredivites or to order it online go to:
Mighty Smart: Bursting with yummy citrus flavor, Mighty Smart chewable bites pack a wallop of 100% natural, ultra-pure DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, which is vital for early brain and visual development. Mighty Smart sharpen the mind, helping children remember and concentrate better. It also promotes retina development for healthier eyes.
Studies show that some kids are not getting enough of this important brain nutrient, which is prevalent in sardines, tuna, and organ meats such as liver. Not only do kids dislike the taste of such foods, there are health concerns according to the EPA, as some fish contain mercury, which can be detrimental to growing children.
For more information on Mighty Smart or to order it online go to:
3) Swine Flu and Shaklee’s Nutriferon
The recent Swine Flu outbreak really shows us that we live in a modern world where flu viruses can travel from anywhere to here in as little as a day. It’s a strong reminder on the importance of staying healthy and alert.
A strong and healthy immune system is your body’s most powerful frontline defense. Its intricate workings are designed to deal with substances that don’t belong in a healthy body. Shaklee’s Nutriferon is truly a breakthrough in immune science—a unique, multi-patented botanical blend created in collaboration with Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, the discoverer of interferon. Nutriferon is the only dietary supplement shown to naturally increase the production of interferon, critically important for immune health.
Nutriferon is such an important part of living health today that Shaklee included it in its RX for a Healthier Life program. Quite simply, there is no better immune building or immune shielding product on the market today.
To learn more about your immune system and to understand the critical role of Interferon as a first line of immune defense, check out this important online video at:
Besides getting 15% off when you are a member, there are two ways you can save an additional 10% off the member price on Shaklee’s Nutriferon.
For other Shaklee immune support products go to:
4) Building and Supporting Your Immune System.
Here are seven additional ways you can help build and support your immune system. They’re easy and you can get started today!
1. Find Ways to Relax
Because stress produces the well-known “fight or flight” response, scientists hypothesize that your immune system may become weakened after frequent activation of the autonomic nervous system in the case of chronic stresses. There are a number of techniques to help you relax, such as deep breathing or yoga, listening to soothing music, taking a hot bath.
Shaklee’s Stress Relief Complex is also an effective stress reducer and works in 30 minutes or less to provide you with quick relief from tension and stress. Used over time, it will actually enhance your body’s ability to adapt to continuing stress. Stress Relief Complex has no side effects and does not make you drowsy. For more information or to order Stress Relief Complex online go to:
2. Sleep Matters.
Besides leaving you feeling sluggish, irritable, and forgetful, not getting enough sleep can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system by up to 50 percent. This is because sleep time is when the body and immune system do most of its repairs and rejuvenation. Strive to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Remember, rest and relaxation go hand-in-hand.
For supplemental support, Shaklee’s Gentle Sleep Complex contains a complementary blend of herbs - valerian, chamomile and passionflower that have been used safely for centuries to promote a calm and restful sleep. To order Shaklee’s Gentle Sleep Complex go to:
3. Feed Your Immune System Well.
According to a number of studies, not getting enough nutrients in your diet can weaken your immune system. That is why nutritionists recommend a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains. Of special importance are foods that are rich in antioxidants (like vitamins C, E, beta carotene and lycopene), omega-3 fatty acids and folate. However many Americans have nutritionally deficient diets, which is why it is important to take supplements that have immunoactive properties.
Shaklee’s Vitalizer is Shaklee’s core nutrition program, providing 80 bio-optimized nutrients in a convenient tear off daily strip of six supplements. Guaranteed to having you feeling better with more energy and vitality within 30 days, Vitalizer also provides the nutrients your body needs to build a healthy immune system. For more information on Vitalizer, or to order it online go to:
For maximum antioxidant protection, Shaklee’s CarotoMax and FlavoMax nutrition pack delivers a 30-day supply of whole-body antioxidant protection, protecting your cells and DNA from free radical attacks. For more information, or to order this dynamic antioxidant duo go to:
4. Drop Weight in a Healthy Way
If you are overweight, reducing weight is a healthy thing to do. But research finds that a rapid weight loss of more than 2 pounds a week can have negative immune effects. When it comes to successful weight loss and weight management, steady and slow is the way to go!
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), successful weight reduction is typically losing about 10 percent of your body weight in six months. Towards this end, experts recommend losing about ¾ to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3 pounds per week (weight reduction may be faster at the start of a program).
Shaklee’s Cinch Inch and Weight reduction program is scientifically designed to break the yo-yo dieting cycle forever. The Cinch program provides you with a safe, clinically-proven way to reduce excess weight and inches, and keep them off! For more information on Shaklee’s Cinch Inch Loss Program go to:
5. Wash Your Hands
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of microorganisms that cause infections is good hand-washing hygiene. Washing your hands several times per day and always before you eat greatly reduces your exposure to bacteria and viruses.
Shaklee’s Hand Wash Concentrate not only cleans your hands, it moisturizes, conditions and energizes them with natural botanicals. It’s pH-balanced and hypoallergenic with a fresh, natural scent. For more information or to order online go to:
6. Disinfect Surfaces
Disinfecting surfaces is a smart way to protect against picking up left behind viruses. Shaklee’s Germ Off Disinfecting Wipes cleans, disinfects and deodorizes. It kills bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli and other odor causing bacteria found on hard, non-porous surfaces like countertops, sinks, toilet bowls, doorknobs and faucets. And, unlike other wipes, it’s bleach-free, alcohol-free and fragrance-free! For more information or to order Germ-Off Disinfecting Wipes go to:
7. Don’t Get Too Much Sun
Unprotected sun exposure is linked with immune suppression. That is why cold sores often appear following time spent in the sun. To protect your immune system always wear a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher.
Shaklee’s SPF 30 for Body provides natural protection for all skin types, including those with the most sensitive skin. This patented, waterproof, oil-free sunscreen smoothes easily onto your skin and absorbs quickly, without leaving a sticky residue. For more information or to order online go to:
5) Project MAHMA: Moms At Home Making A Difference…And A Lot of Money!
Did you know the average workingwoman makes around $400 a week? Take away daycare, a car, insurance, gas, maintenance, and the added clothing and food expenses of working outside the home, and she comes home with around $200/wk, $800/mo!
We think we can help women can do better then that.
Project MAHMA is a nationwide coalition of families who stay home with their kids and earn income by helping others live healthier, better and more independent lives.
It offers support for mothers wanting to have the very best for their family’s health, well-being and financial future. Realize their personal potential; make a difference in the lives of others AND do it all while staying home with their kids! For more information on Project MAHMA, listen to people from all walks of life as they tell their Project MAHMA stories at:
Next visit to learn more and then get together with us to talk about how you can get started.
To Your Health, Success and Happiness,
office 808-990-4149
cell 808-345-2897
Since this newsletter contains testimonials and other information as opposed to material directly from the manufacturer it is important for you to note that the information shared have not been recommended or approved by the manufacturer, and it is not intended to be used or promoted as such. No claims, guarantees, warranties or assurances are implied or promised. The health statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The stories contained herein are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, illness or injury, or in any way substitute for medical advice. The only legally recognized use of vitamin/mineral supplements is to prevent or treat specific vitamin/mineral deficiencies. The authors and distributors of the enclosed information will not be held responsible for any misconceptions or misuse of the information presented herein. If you have a health problem, see your physician.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spring-cleaning time is here and April 22nd is Earth Day, so what better time to devote an entire post to a fantastic line of safe, non-toxic, totally green cleaners!
In this issue, you’ll learn about the “Real Dirt on Clean”. What’s the real smell of clean? What harmful chemicals are lurking in your home? How can you save money and enjoy a greener, cleaner, healthier home? It’s all answered here! Plus, we’ll profile our most famous cleaner and share Super recipes to take on the toughest cleaning problems in your home. We close with different ways you can make a difference by going green and spreading the word. Enjoy!
In this Issue:
1) The Real Dirt on Clean - the online video you don't want to miss.
2) An Oprah Winfrey Flashback
3) Famous All Purpose Green Cleaner
4) Super Green Cleaning Recipes
5) Make A Clean Start
6) Help Us Spread the Word: 3 Ways You Can Make A Difference
1) The Real Dirt on Clean: The online video you don't want to miss for the health of your family.
Are the cleaners in your home making you and your family sick? Is there a line of green cleaners that actually work BETTER than what you’re using now? Get the REAL DIRT on Clean by watching a special online presentation at:
featuring Sloan Barnett, NY Times best selling author of "Green Goes with Everything", and Cindy Latham, Shaklee's VP of Marketing, as they address a group of Moms. During this powerful presentation you will learn...
... what may be causing the dramatic rise in children's asthma.
... why typical household cleaners are so dangerous.
... the dirty little secret most people don't know about.
…. how to replace your many cleaning products with just a couple Get Clean products.
…. how Get Clean products outperform other green cleaners and even non-green national brands.
…. how using concentrated Get Clean cleaners can save you a lot money.
Don’t miss this important, eye-opening online video that will empower you to protect the health of your family, go green and most of all enjoy a cleaner, healthier home! Watch the Real Dirt on Clean online video now at:
2) Oprah Winfrey Flashback
Two years ago, our company's Green cleaning products made its debut appearance on the Oprah Winfrey special Earth Day Show. It marked the first of three appearances on Oprah's show that year, including being selected by Oprah for her famous Oprah's Favorite Things Show. Oprah fell in love with the products we offer and they are now used regularly to clean Harpo Studios. For a look back at the Oprah show debut, go to:
But, these cleaners aren't just Oprah's favorite. They continue to get enormous media attention for their green cleaning ability. For a look in the media, go to:
To order these GREEN products online, go to:
3) Famous Green Cleaner
Now that you’ve watched the Oprah Winfrey show clip above, you saw how blown away she was by the Super Organic Household Cleaner. Oprah is just one of millions who have been wowed by it's green cleaning power. Here’s a short profile of this amazing product:
.....was the recipient of Parent-Tested, Parent-Approved Media Inc.'s Seal of Approval for Excellence in Parenting Products. And also recently received the "Top Pride" of Parent Magazine.
..... meets the Green Seal™ environmental standard for industrial and institutional cleaners.
.....contains no acids, no alkalis, no kerosene, solvent, or any other potentially toxic chemicals, and has no offensive odors.
.....has a pH factor of 6.5, right in the range of human skin.
.....makes water many times wetter, making the toughest stains float away. a fantastically versatile cleaner with many advantages over soap (including no soap film!).
.....does not hinder bacterial action of septic tanks or cesspools. the most economical cleaner you can buy. One pint makes 48 gallons of cleaning solution by following directions. IT of replaces 728 bottles of Windex! It saves you money in your home or business and works with the environment! Just think of the landfills not being burdened by using one pint!
..... literally has 1,001 uses. Here are just a few uses beyond washing windows, walls and floors…
ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER: ½ tsp in a pot of water. Run through cycle and rinse.
AUTOMOBILES: Use 1½ tsp. in a gallon of water. Hose off – no wiping dry. Wash windows, chrome, etc. with paper towels or lint-free cloth, after rinsing car. Bugs and grime float away.
GUM: Use full strength to remove gum from skin, hair, carpeting, etc. Allow a few minutes to work, then easily scrape off the gum.
LEATHER: Test a section first for color fastness. Cleans leather better than saddle soap. 1 drop on damp sponge. Clean & wipe dry. Won’t harm leather.
(Use your imagination and discover tons of other great uses!)
To order online go to:
4) Super GREEN Recipes:
These toxic-free household cleaners are a joy to use. Even my kids can clean with them and I don't have to worry. Once you learn how to use these incredible, concentrated products to clean your home, you will never want to walk down your grocery store aisle for any smelly, expensive, dangerous cleaners for your home again.
Because there are no harmful chemicals in these products, you can mix cleaners together and create some really super cleaning “recipes”. I have recipes for the following available. E-mail me and I'll send them to you to tackle some of thetoughest and most noxious cleaning jobs:
DRAIN CLEANER: Typical drain cleaners are some of the nastiest chemical cleaners you can buy to use in your home. However, by mixing some green cleaning products together, you have a safe and environmentally-friendly alternative way to clean the drains…
OVEN CLEANER: Store bought oven cleaners contain some of the most toxic chemicals. None of which you would want to have in your home! Wouldn't you rather use something that is safe for hands and safe to breathe.
SOAK THE IMPOSSIBLE: I have saved wedding dresses and vintage clothing with this recipe.
5) Make a Clean Start
The easiest way to make a clean start for the health of your loved ones and your home environment is to order the Starter Kit. You can go green and replace all the toxic household cleaners in your home at the same time.
This kit provides a complete selection of household and laundry cleaners to take care of almost any job, and additional cleaning accessories like microfiber cloths and bottles to make green cleaning recipes, plus a caddy organizer that keeps all your cleaning supplies in one handy location.
Did you know that these cleaners are so concentrated, you can save a lot of money too? You'd have to spend more than $3,400 on store bought cleaners to get the equivalent cleaning power in this Kit!
For a complete list of everything in the kit go to:
By switching from smelly, hazardous household cleaners to these products, you’ll also make a difference in the amount of hazardous waste being disposed of every year in dumping grounds in your area.
The average U.S. household generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste per year, and the average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of household hazardous waste in the basement, garage, and in storage closets.
When your kit arrives, clear off your kitchen or dining room table. Then go through your house room by room and look in all the cabinets, showers and bathtubs, gathering up any cleaning products. (i.e., window cleaner, polishes, cleaners, dish soap, laundry soap, laundry detergents, bleach and so on) to replace with your kit. You will most likely be amazed at the number of cleaning products you had been buying for your home!
When you are ready to dispose of store-bought cleaning products, please note the following household cleaning products are designated as household hazardous waste by the EPA, and “improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health.”
Oven cleaners
Drain cleaners
Wood and metal cleaners and polishes
Toilet cleaners
Tub, tile, shower cleaners
Bleach (laundry)
See if your community has a facility that collects household hazardous waste year-round. Some of these facilities have exchange areas for unused or leftover paints, solvents, pesticides, cleaning and automotive products, and other materials.
When you purchase the kit, you help also eliminate 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills and 248 pounds of greenhouse gases.
You can order the kit online at:
6) Help Us Spread the Word: 3 Ways YOU Can Make A Difference
One person at a time, we make the planet greener, our homes safer, a child healthier. One person telling another person, who tells another person and one day a tipping point is reached and the world changes.
Here are three ways you can help us spread the word about being greent and our mission to create a healthier world and make a difference in your family, with your friends, and in your circle of influence.
1) Send us a referral
Since our business is mainly by word-of-mouth, we appreciate all referrals. Just by telling someone about the kit and connecting us together can create a ripple effect that can lead to green cleaning being introduced to many people. Today, there are lots of easy ways to give a referral…
--Email a letter of introduction for us to someone you care about with your personal experience and a link to our website and/or our contact information. or
--Forward this blog to your personal email list with a short introduction note from you.
--Give us a shout out and link to our website on your website, blog, Facebook or MySpace page.
2) Get Actively Involved:
If you’re passionate about the environment and want to do more, then consider hosting a Real Dirt on Clean event in your home. We'll provide you with invitations, the Real Dirt on Clean DVD and tips on how to make your event a success. Or if you're local to us, you can host and we’ll do the presentation for you!
You might also want to join our team and become a distributor, then as you spread the word you can earn additional discounts on your products. You can even earn your products for free and then some, like me!
3) Become an Ambassador
The world definitely needs more "green-prenuers" who actively promote green alternatives, and our company needs more distributors to reach its goal of making a difference for 1 million families in 2009.
Becoming an Ambassador provides you with the opportunity to share family-friendly products like these, and be well rewarded for your efforts. With its innovative Social Marketing approach, this company has paid more then $4 billion dollars in commissions to people just like you, most who work part-time. With the economy the way it is today, everyone could use some extra money and it's a smart idea to have a financial Plan B to protect your family’s financial health.
You can get started as an Ambassador by purchasing a Healthy Home, Healthy You Pack for just $299, which includes a selection of green cleaners and other products to help you get started, plus your own website FREE for SIX months, and five trees will be planted on your behalf!
A wealth of training of training is provided, including our company's University, an online training program that where you can learn at your leisure. And, as your sponsor, we will provide you with all the support you need to help you get your green, family-friendly business off the ground.
Just like me, as an Ambassador, you can set your own hours, be your own boss and work part-time to promote a greener, healthier way of living. With Shaklee you can make a positive difference in the world AND do well financially!
You can become an Ambassador and order the Healthy Home, Healthy You Pak at:
We hope you’ve enjoyed this special Earth Day edition. Feel free to contact us 808-990-4149 with any questions or to learn more about how you can earn even greater discounts on your products.