Sunday, April 27, 2014

Self Cleaning Bathroom

Non-Toxic Cleaners and the Self Cleaning Bathroom
  • Do you want to avoid the noxious fumes and chemicals in most cleaners?
  • Do you want to save money on your cleaning supplies?
  • Would you like to help the environment?
  • Are you tired of cleaning your bathroom?
You can have a self-cleaning bathroom and accomplish all of the above by using our recommended scientifically tested, clinically proven, and highly effective environmentally safe cleaning products.

Our recommended cleaners are highly concentrated. Instead of paying for the shipment of water like most cleaners, you save when you dilute the concentrates with your own water. For example 16 oz. of window cleaner costs less than a penny, 16 oz. of all- purpose cleaner is less than $.03 and 16 oz. of our disinfectant is less than $.05! An average family of 4 will save over $200/year on their cleaning supplies when they switch to the products we recommend on this website.

These concentrated cleaners are powerful against dirt, yet gentle on the environment. They are completely biodegradable--which means ALL elements of the product return to a natural state unlike some other “biodegradable” cleaners where only the surfactants or cleaning agents are biodegradable. Cleaners break down completely within 30 days. They are safe for septic systems.

Our recommended organic household cleaner was the only cleaner named an official Earth Day product. Our recommended germicide is clinically proven to kill over 33 pathogens (bacteria, fungus and virus) including strep, staph, feline leukemia, canine distemper, and E-coli. It has a 3-day residual effectiveness compared to 1 hour for chlorine bleach. None of our cleaners is flammable. The residue from your current disinfectant may leave a flammable surface. Our recommended cleaners are water based, not petroleum based. They leave no residue or film to re-attract dirt and grime. You clean less frequently; cleaning is easier, and your floors won’t be sticky.

This is a one-time-a-year procedure! Once you have completed this over-all clean up, you can sit back and relax! Links to the recommended products are included at the end of this article.

  1. To get rid of build-up of soap residue in showers, on tiles, bathtubs, sinks, etc. Use a wet scouring pad with our recommended scouring cleanser and plenty of warm water. Rub or brush gently, and enjoy the fragrance! Rinse with clear water. Wipe down with a solution of 1 TB of our recommended germicide per 1 gallon of water to kill mildew. If mildew is lodged in grouting or seams, brush with full strength germicide let set one hour, then rinse.
  2. To get rid of film on mirrors and windows. Mix two drops of our recommended organic household cleaner in 16 oz. water in a spray bottle. If you have been using other glass cleaners, you may get streaks until the oil residue they leave is cleaned off with our recommend solution. Be sure you use only drops when mixing. This works great for dusting, also. Spray on your dust rag and dust even your best wood furniture.
  3. To Disinfect. Mix 1/2 tsp of our recommended germicide in l6oz water in a spray bottle. Use this to wipe the outside of garbage pails, diaper pails, bathroom vanity, kitchen sinks, toilet, etc. For best results, let sit for 10 minutes. It’s a great deodorizer as well as a disinfectant. Spray throughout the house to kill viruses, etc.
  4. To minimize clean up in the sink area. Once soap residue is removed, use our soap-free cleanser from now on to not only get your hands clean, but to leave no film behind. It’s effective yet very gentle to your skin. Also, use only our recommended organic toothpaste to keep your sink area looking great, too. Not only is our organic toothpaste a powerful cleanser for teeth (found to be superior in cleaning when compared by a leading dental research institute with the two leading toothpastes on the market today), but it’s also so economical that one container can replace two family-sized tubes.
  5. To eliminate any cleaning in shower--on walls or doors--from spots. After soap residue is removed, use only our recommended cleaning products because they don’t leave film or spots. You can bathe with several of our soap-free soap products. Your skin will feel great since these plant-based products are soap free, effective, and totally safe. When you use our recommended shampoos and conditioners, there will be no ugly residue collecting in your tub and on the tile or glass walls. None of these products leaves any bathtub ring. Isn’t that exciting?
  6. These products are very kind to sensitive skin, including baby’s skin. Our cleaning products have passed every state’s tests for biodegradability and non-pollution. Many competitors’ cleaners take 10 years to decompose, our cleaners return to nature in 30 days and they’re also Kosher Certified for purity and ingredient labeling.

    "It isn't enough to cherish what we have. One by one, (two by two, and three by three) we must actively protect the earth by living responsibly.”

    Recommended Products for a Healthy and Self Cleaning Bathroom:

Organic Household Cleaner
Concentrated Germicide
Heavy-Duty Scouring Cleanser
Soap Free Soaps
Shampoo and Conditioner
Organic Toothpaste
To order from our complete line of environmentally friendly and cost-effective cleaners: CLICK HERE

To order from our complete line of natural personal care products for daily use including natural anti-perspirant and deodorants, natural toothpaste and more:

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Stop Smoking!

Beating the Odds. Nutrition to Help You Quit Smoking for Good.

The statistics on smoking are truly frightening. Each year, smoking kills more people than AIDS, alcohol, drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides, and fires combined! It’s the single most preventable cause of all deaths, and is a major risk factor in contributing to coronary heart disease, emphysema and other respiratory diseases.

Smoking also drains the body of many essential vitamins and minerals, affecting the body's ability to absorb these vital nutrients. The major nutrient affected is vitamin C. The more you smoke, the more vitamin C you lose from your tissues and blood. The damage that smoke inflicts on your cells causes your body to need more vitamin C to counteract this damage. Vitamin C is one of the body's main antioxidants, which are linked to the prevention of a number of diseases. By reducing the body's ability to absorb this vitamin, smoking increases the individual's risk of developing these diseases.

The good news is that studies have shown that people suffering from addictions like smoking have a 50% better chance of quitting if they are on a good nutrition program at the same time! So how can one naturally quit smoking with the help of nutritional supplements?

It starts with a trio of fatty acids: Omega-3, GLA (gamma linolenic acid) and Lecithin to help raise dopamine levels which will help replace the cigarettes raising the dopamine. Nicotine raises dopamine levels chemically and prevents food cravings.

The herb ginseng also has an affect of diminishing the craving for nicotine by raising alkaloid in the brain, since nicotine also raises alkaloids. Ginseng is also an adaptagen that calms and reduces stress. Cordyceps, another herbal ingredient, also increases oxygenation to the brain.

Our recommend Stress Relief product also helps people to not smoke after eating. It also aids in sleeping and can lower elevated cortisol levels, thereby lessening the cravings for a cigarette.

Finally, on a social level one CANNOT be around smokers for two to six weeks while the dopamine levels adjust. And last, but not least, exercise as much as possible as it creates a response in the muscles that produces alkaloids which will help fight off the urge to smoke.

Nutrition Program for Smokers
A recommended nutrition program to help one quit smoking depends on age, caloric expenditure and cholesterol levels. In general the older you are and the longer you've smoked, the more nutrition you'll need to take to increase your chances for success. Below is a good program to help the average smoker who is trying to quit. 
Daily Vitamin-Strip: (one per day--provides important antioxidant protection including Vitamin C)

One serving of Omega-3 per meal:

One serving of GLA per meal:

One serving of Lecithin per meal: CLICK HERE

Two servings of our recommended Stress Relief product per meal (more if experiencing anxiety; plus 2 at bedtime, if there are sleep issues) CLICK HERE
One serving of our recommend herbal ginseng product per meal: CLICK HERE

Ed. Note: Thanks to Dr. Brouse for providing this important information and recommendations. Dr. Brouse is a widely recognized authority in the fields of nutrition and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. He has a Master’s in Biochemistry and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He was an Associate Professor of Clinical Nutrition for 14 years and founded the renowned Sunnyside Health Center in Clackamas Oregon in 1977. Since that time many people throughout the world have regained a greater measure of health while following the recommendations of the clinic’s health professionals.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Cancer ~ Nutrition ~ Facts & Myths

Nutritional Guidelines During Cancer Treatments -Facts and Myths

I wanted to post these notes from Dr. Steve Chaney who is active in cancer research at UNC . Please read his bio below.  There is much confusion on what patients should do during cancer treatments. Some of that misguided information  is given by the doctor themselves. Remember that most doctors get little nutritional education and in many cases discourage patients from taking any nutritional support when in fact it is helpful for many to make it successfully through cancer treatments.  If someone is going through cancer treatment it is very important to inform their doctor of any supplements they are taking.

Notes from a presentation by Steve Chaney PhD and Barbara Lagoni on Nutritional Support During Cancer Treatments

These are their opinions based on their research and experiences and are not mean to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Both have active Shaklee businesses for over 25 years.
Steve-chaney1Steve Chaney PhD Dr. Chaney holds a B.S. in Chemistry from Duke University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from UCLA.
Currently he’s a professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina where he teaches first year medical students and has headed an active cancer research program for 30 years.
Dr. Chaney has published over 95 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals, plus 12 reviews and two chapters on nutrition for one of the leading biochemistry textbooks for medical students today. He’s also been named “Teacher of the Year” several times by the first year medical students and currently holds a Medical Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professorship.

Barb Lagoni Nutritionist with a degree from Cornell and speaks all over the US about Health and Nutrition.

Nutritional Support for Cancer

Common Myths Re: Cancer & Supplements

Myth #1 “ Vitamins feed cancer cells.”
Withholding  nutritional supplements is like destroying the village to save it.
The only way to selectively starve cancer cells is to withhold glucose (carbs) and keep the body alkaline
Normal healthy cells use carbohydrates, protein and fat for their energy. Cancer cells ONLY use glucose (carbohydrates) and require acidic conditions to metabolize the glucose.


Keep blood sugar low
Keep blood alkaline ( Shaklee Alfalfa tablets and  vegetables). Avoid sugar, meat and dairy as they make blood acidic.
Myth #2:  Vitamins interfere with chemo drugs”
No good clinical studies have ever shown that supplements interfere with chemotherapy.
To be cautious, stop taking antioxidant supplements 2 days before chemo until 2 days after.  ( only antioxidants. Other supplements can continue)
Chemo drugs are designed to leave the body rapidly after they do their job
Some time between chemo treatments is required for normal cells to recover

Traditional Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy non-selectively damages all rapidly growing cells in the body,                      Affecting…Hair, Lining of Digestive Tract, and Bone Marrow
Causing skin lesions, Sores in the mouth
Digestive side effects are nausea, vomiting, and dehydration
Chemo causes neurological damage– “chemo brain”
Some drugs adversely affect the blood, damaging platelets, neutrophils, and lymphocytes
All essential for the immune system

Products that address Digestive Issues

For nausea – Stomach Soothing Complex
For dehydration – Performance
Optiflora to restore essential probiotics
EZ Gest provides all the digestive enzymes needed to digest fats, proteins, carbohydrates, etc if needed.

Big concern … Bone marrow Damage

Bone marrow is the reservoir for undifferentiated stem cells for all blood cells–
Platelets (for clotting), neutrophils & lymphocytes (white cells)
Blood cells have a life span of a few weeks to a few months, so they need constant replenishing.
The conversion from stem cells to mature cells requires cell division and, therefore, is potentially damaged by various chemotherapy drugs
This is why blood counts often drop with chemotherapy drugs.
It is Critical to Provide Nutrients the Bone Marrow Needs to Replenish the White Blood Cells and the Platelets.
Protein – critical to keep calories & protein up
VitalizerFeed healthy marrow cells with Vita C, Vita E, Zinc, B Complex,                                                 Carotenoids, and Vita Lea   (All in Vitalizer)
Nutriferonstimulates interferon production – which causes the bone marrow to make more immune cells.( This is critical)

What About Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells are less affected than white cells and platelets, but anemia can still be a problem.
B Complexvery important for red blood cell production
Iron Plus Csometimes needed
But the most life-threatening event is the weakening of the immune system from loss of white blood cells
Patients can succumb to infections from fungus, bacteria, yeast, etc.
Or get internal bleeding or stroke from loss of platelets.
Immune system is critical to fight the cancer cells

Consuming Bad Fats can be a cause of cancer

Reduce BAD fats– increase good fats
Eicosenoids are hormone-like substances that control cell growth.
Bad eicosenoids are made from bad fats omega-6 fats, saturated & trans fats – these are found in fried foods, foods made with vegetable oils like safflower, corn oil, sunflower oil etc, such as chips, crispy snacks, baked goods, processed foods, some salad dressings, beef, pork and lamb fed corn to fatten them
Good eicosanoids are made from good fats omega-3 fats in fish –Vitalizer & Omega Guard
Omega Guard Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Extra omega 3 fatty acids to reduce the eicosanoids that stimulate cancer growth.
Omega 3 fatty acids –produce “good” eicosanoids that inhibit cancer growth.
Omega 6 fatty acids –produce “bad” eicosanoids that stimulate cancer growth.
Saturated fats & trans-fats may also stimulate cancer cell growth

Restrict Sugar and carbohydrates

Cancer cells rely exclusively on glucose to grow.
Cancer cells grow best in an acid environment
Therefore Keep blood sugar very low. (no sugar, starchy snacks)
Eat protein and vegetables.
Alkalize the body with alfalfa and vegetables

Detox the blood and liver

Chemotherapy drugs are poisons
They are designed to attack their targets and then leave the body all within a few days.
Help detoxify the liver with Liver DTX

Purpose of chemotherapy

The effectiveness of chemotherapy is directly proportional to the number of treatments that can be given to eradicate the cancer cells.
If the patient becomes too weak, if the white blood cells drop too low, treatment must stop.
So the goal is to keep the patient as strong as possible during treatment so the full round of chemotherapy can be administered…
That is why it is essential to strengthen normal cells between chemo treatments.

What Normal Cells need to recover between chemotherapy treatments

Nutrients needed by normal cells – Vitalizer
Repair damage of normal cells – Vivix and Protein:
Cinch (aka. 180), Energizing Soy, Mealshakes, Physique
It doesn’t matter which they use.. whichever they like … but it is essential to keep protein and calorie levels high.
Immune nutrients
Nutriferon, Vitalizer, FlavoMax, Carotomax
(PreVitamin A, controls cell growth)

Additional Nutrients

Defend and Resist Echinacea ( 1 week on 1 off)
Nutriferoncauses production of interferon. Interferon stimulates production of more immune cells


Usually given daily
Avoid antioxidants so as not to protect cancer cells from the radiation ( C, E, carotenoids, flavonoids, Vivix, and Vitalizer, Cinch and Meal Shakes as they have antioxidants in them)
BUT take the supplements that are NOT antioxidantsNutriferon, B Complex, Energizing Soy Protein, Instant Soy Protein Mix, Optiflora , Zinc,

To Review – The “Take Home” Lessons

There are no clinical studies showing whether or not supplementation interferes with chemotherapy
Because of the uncertainty some caution is prudent while the chemo drugs are in the body.  So we stop antioxidant supplements 2 days before through 2 days after Chemo, as the drugs leave the body in about 24-48 hours.  Then we resume them to help the normal cells recover between rounds of chemo so that more chemo treatments can be given

Clinical studies do show supplements can improve quality of life on chemotherapy

To Review– during chemotherapy

Stop antioxidant supplements 2 days before through 2 days after chemo.
Antioxidants are Vita C, E, CarotoMax, FlavoMax, and Vitalizer, Cinch and Meal Shakes (as they have antioxidants in them) and Vivix.
Continue to take Nutriferon, Optiflora, B Complex, Energizing Soy Protein shakes, Instant Soy Protein Mix, and Zinc.
The only time B vitamins are not recommended is when taking methotrexate & related drugs.
Antioxidants should be avoided during radiation treatment

Thoughts from the Professor

Chemotherapy is “the best of times and the worst of times”
  • At its best, it offers miraculous cures
  • At its worst, it exerts a terrible toll on the normal cells in our body
A prudent approach to supporting our normal cells while minimizing the interference with chemotherapy offers the possibility of:
  • Minimizing side effects & improving quality of life
  • Maximizing the number of chemotherapy treatments that can be given

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seniors Health: New Study and Recommended Supplements

Seniors Health: New Study and Recommended Supplements

A study finding that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids and lutein with zeaxanthin could save American senior citizens $5.6 billion in health care costs during the next five years has resulted in the formation of a bipartisan Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus.

The Lewin Group, a Falls Church, Va.-based health care consulting firm, conducted the study, commissioned by the Dietary Supplement Education Alliance.  A similar study, which found that regular intake of calcium and folic acid could save more than $15 billion in health care costs over five years, was released in 2004.

The Lewin Group analyzed hundreds of studies conducted over the last 30 years on omega-3s and lutein with zeaxanthin.  The group concluded that an 1,800 milligram daily dose of omega-3s could reduce coronary heart disease in people over age 65, resulting in 384,303 fewer hospitalizations over the next five years and a consequent $3.1 billion savings in health care expenditures.

Seniors who take 6 milligrams to 10 milligrams a day of lutein with zeaxanthin could reduce their susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), The Lewin Group found.  During the next five years, that would result in 98,219 fewer people losing their independence because of advanced AMD, saving $2.5 billion in care giving costs.

SOURCE:  Natural Foods Merchandiser volume XXVI/number 12/p.  7

Ed. Note: These studies highlight how it’s never too late to get the health benefits from starting on a good nutrition program. For senior citizens, we suggest the following nutrition supplements.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement: CLICK HERE

For a supplement containing both lutein and zeaxanthin as well as other  powerful multi-carotenoid antioxidants CLICK HERE. 

For a recommended premium multivitamin especially designed for people 50 and over CLICK HERE.

For a new clinically proven calcium supplement to help reduce the risk of osteoporosis CLICK HERE.

For more information on a highly bio-available CoQ10 supplement to strengthen the heart muscle CLICK HERE.